King’s Ransom

The Way of CrossHere’s what happened: I was driving home from work, listening to some Petra. The song “King’s Ransom” was on and I debated skipping it as it has never been one of my favorites. For some reason, I left it on and just listened. When it got to the part that says “The life of a King in place of me,” I started to think about the value that God placed on us. We were worth so much to him that he was willing to sacrifice his son for us.

What’s funny is that I keep trying to think of another way to say that to make it sound better…some way to make it mean more.

Jesus knew exactly who you were and died for you anyway. He knew all your junk and all the horrible things you were capable of and would ever do. To make it even worse, he wasn’t ordered to do it, but instead did it willingly.

God, thank you for what you did. Thank you for sending your son to die in my place. I can’t believe you would do that for me. Did you actually see value or potential in me? Am I worth that to you?

I know I can never repay what has been done for me. I know there is nothing I can do. But what COULD I do? How should I live my life, knowing this is true?

I’m going to be more grateful. More aware of the price that was paid for my life. Please help me to do this.

One thought on “King’s Ransom

  1. Linda says:

    And isn’t it amazing when you consider that Christ was not like one of those European noblemen, who’s sole worth is their title. He wasn’t a figurehead or powerless symbol of a long ago era. It reminds me of The Prince & the Pauper. Jesus came to live like us, so we can live like Him.

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